How WhatsApp and SMS Complement
Each Other in Digital Debt Collection

See how UK online retailer achieved 100% uplift in customer responses

About The Webinar

In this 45-min session we will take a look at:

Trends and insights in the world of digital messaging where WhatsApp and SMS fit in
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As the effectiveness of traditional debt collection approaches falls behind those of digital channels, and as digital continues to deliver better conversation outcomes and operational efficiencies, focusing on one channel over the other can result in missed opportunities.

Never has this been truer than with SMS and WhatsApp—two unlikely bedfellows. SMS was one of the earlier messaging channels of the digital era and is still effective for customer interaction. Still, its popularity has been overshadowed by WhatsApp, not only by customers but businesses. But there are missed opportunities by relying on SMS alone.

The beauty of digital engagement is bringing other channels into the mix, like WhatsApp. As a way of demonstration, we will look at how a leading UK online retailer achieved a 100% uplift in customer responses using this exact approach.

What Credit Managers are Saying

Not only are we amazed at the increased level of engagement and greed plans, but the positive feedback from our customers  
has been a huge bonus" 

Webio‘s conversational messaging now plays a primary role in our customer contact strategy deploying before dialler campaigns and
field visits and it really works!

On Demand Webinar

Duration 45mins

Reimagining Customer Engagement

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In today's environment, it's not about one or the other. It is about getting the balance right and playing to the strengths of each channel to achieve your collections goals. Knowing what works for customers and how to blend channels is vital.

Statistics around channel usage for debt collection
How effective WhatsApp is in driving engagement and collections
How to optimise customer campaigns using both channels to best effect